Today (28.04.12) was a long day.....
I with my friends went to KLCC and Dataran merdeka to join the Bersih 3.0 and Hijau 3.0.
We went to KLCC from Wangsa Maju LRT Station around 8:30am.
We have the breakfast at Ampang Park McDonald.
Around 10:30am, we started walking from KLCC to Dataran Merdeka.
When we walked till the OCBC Bank, it's full of people already, so we just sit on the road.
About 2:30pm, we have lunch at the McDonold, the McD business is so Hot like the Fire!!
2:55pm, the most exciting things happened, the police started using the tear bomb to force the public go away, they totally using more then 40 tear bomb to bomb the peaceful public, What the FUCK!!!!
My "Virgin Feeling" about the tear bomb is like the Wasabi, very Spicy!!!
Today, I only realised our police is very powerful..... when facing the general public (normal citizen), our police was so good in fighting the general public, beat peopel as they like, but when facing the gangster, the act like a chicken, it's SUCK!!!!!
I think the coming election will delay after this Bersih 3.0, so guys, are you ready for the bersih 4.0??...... I am READY!!!
今天早上8:30am和一群好友在 wangsa Maju LRT Station 集合, 然后搭LRT去KLCC, 准备参与今天的 Bersih 3.0 和 Hijau 3.0.
我们先在 Ampang Park 下车, 然后在那里享用早餐.
大约10:30am的时候, 我们就开始从KLCC步行到Dataran Merdeka.
当我们走到OCBC Bank的时候,已经是人山人海了,我们就席地而坐。
大约2:30pm时,我们就去附近的麦当劳吃午餐,那间麦当劳的生意真的是好到..... 爆!!
第一次接触到催淚彈的滋味犹如 Wasabi 般,非常的辣!!
结果警察在匪徒走了将近一个小时才到那金店,而那金店和警察局的距离只有大概500公尺..... 你们说,我们的警察有用吗??
朋友,我已经准备好了 Bersih 4.0,你呢??